If there is one thing that a game really needs to do these days is be fun for the Storyteller as well as for the players. We want to offer this with Halicker and will do so in various ways. For starters you will never get a full "map" of the Halicker lands, we will start you off with a general map of certain areas and maybe show how they could connect to each other but for certain there are going to be some pretty big gaps all over the place. Guess what me dear friends, those gaps are not there by accident, I want storytellers (ST's) to feel that they can make up anything they want in terms of countries and cities of their own. ST's coming up with their own versions of things is a pretty big theme here at Halicker and I will encourage it as much as I can. All the races you see here are examples, just starting places, what and where your own story goes is up to you and I would love to see peoples own ideas and drawings for races eventually, who knows? You might even see them published. Other ways that Halicker will be people friendly is how all the combat and RP systems are set up, to simplify it slightly, you buy effects and end results then find the magic or the machine to meet said goal. This might not make sense at the moment but I will explain in time (and in the book) for starters lets us just pretend to be listening in on a game just starting up shall we?
Player: so I can eventually have anything I want?
ST: yup, might take a while but in the end yes.
Player: soooooo, if I want to be a gigantic half dragon dude with a flame thrower and rocket pack.....?
ST:......eventually you could have that but the way I chose to play it I will start you off pretty plain, though you could play a pretty big guy right off the bat, either a Dolor or a Gemagog.
Player: what is the difference?
ST: Gemagogs are more gianty-norsey-celticy while Dolor are more ogery-Attila the hun...y-fee fi foo fummy. There technology is different too.
Player: I want to be a more majestic dragon dude, so lets go with Gemagog.
ST: alright, a flame thrower is a pretty heavy duty weapon, so lets start you off with something a touch smaller, you could have a big blowtorch, or a shotgun that can shoot flame rounds, maybe a smaller version of a Dolor steam spigot.
Player: defiantly blowtorch, now how about the dragon thing?
ST: well, you could either use alchemy to transform you skin to scales little by little using defensive alchemy...stuff, or you could get enough money to have a hubris body modifier to start futzing around with you, or I could create a legend of the Gemagog's that says they have an ancient journey for warriors that eventually rewards them by turning them into part dragons...its up to you.
ain't it the truth? Its all up to you and your crew to figure out which way you want to play Halicker, hack-and-slash to deep plotted political intrigue, whatever you want.
and for an example of Character development, take a look at my friend Kate's page devoted to our favorite Hubris gunbunny: