Saturday, June 28, 2008
You can have almost everything...

one of the two unplayable races, angels are minions of law and order. One of the oldest races in the Halicker world, angels and minions of the gods of law Alexander, Sooth, Tyer and Brayan. Creatures of the most refined beauty and benevolent spirit, angels consider themselves the stewards of all races in Halicker no matter what political affiliation they may posses. unfortunately the life of an angel is spent almost interiorly in the war against the demons, a war which has existed since the beginning of time, fought in the separate realm of limbo just outside of heavens gates. Due to this obligation angels rarely visit the realms of the mortals be instead rely on there vassals the Nephilhlem, which are a playable race and are covered later. the other race descendant of angels are the Gemagog, also covered later, though this race tends to forget its unusual lineage. Angels appear as beautiful humans whose eyes show images of elemental power, rainstorms, fire, molten stone, hurricanes and the like.
Next race: Corscanty
Lux: An immensely strong, durable, stainless white material of the same luster and weight as fine porcelain china. Its creation and the process of working this material are unknown to any but the Angels. What is known is that the material is the only one known to be capable of containing the raw elemental forces that power angelic weaponry.
Next race: Corscanty
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stat effects: Aquian's come with a natural +5 speed bonus, the abilities to breath water, and are immune to gas based attacks. Political ties: Aquians are allied with the Humans and Sylvan. They are still friendly with all other races of the Republic of Men (ROM) though they tend to distrust Hubris and Gemegog. Main rival: Reds
Aquian crystal: A crystalline material which is mined from deep undersea vents, it can come in any color and can be carved into most shapes, though traditionally Aquian apparati keep a more “raw” crystalline shape in order to act as a reminder of where the material came from, and thus, of home.
Material bonus:
Material acts a capacitor, strengthening one apparatus effect, which translates to a 5 to 15 bonus to flexability. Aquian crystal may also absorb any energy-based attack cast at the owner (1-20 chance) this absor bed attack can then be used to re-charge one of the owner’s daily casts.
Aquian crystal is excellent at keeping very high levels of energy, though it can be unstable when hit directly. In the event of an epic fail the material will discharge its stored energy harmlessly into the air, but
this renders the material useless for 1d4 rounds.
Next Week: Angels
what I am offering
Halicker is a game about stuff. This might not sound all that interesting but if you take a good long look at every other game in creation you will notice that they are also just about stuff. It all boils down to gear and spells and stats and points and this and that and in the end the one who has the highest amount of everything is the guy who is going to rule combat and break the game.
Halicker is a little different, this game has a steam punk origin but I have watched as it has evolved into its own creature with its own take on things, let me give you a better idea.
Have you ever met someone who talked to their car?
referred to their computer as if it was a real person?
what if they were right? what if all the idiosyncrasies of machines were due to the fact that they really had personalities? This was the concept I was playing with when I started designing Halicker, to this end the game becomes how your character synthesis themselves with the machinery available in the world and believe you me there is enough to go around. Halicker is a world that abounds with steam power computers, flesh crafted guns, plant crafted swords, the list goes on and on, in the end the only real limit to what you can build is your own imagination.
if you want it, you can build it
that is a promise I make to you now. All it takes is the right combinations of items and components and your characters can have everything from planes to motorcycles, machine guns to magic saxophones. We haven't even gotten to the magic yet...
this week, I will profile the Aquians
Halicker is a little different, this game has a steam punk origin but I have watched as it has evolved into its own creature with its own take on things, let me give you a better idea.
Have you ever met someone who talked to their car?
referred to their computer as if it was a real person?
what if they were right? what if all the idiosyncrasies of machines were due to the fact that they really had personalities? This was the concept I was playing with when I started designing Halicker, to this end the game becomes how your character synthesis themselves with the machinery available in the world and believe you me there is enough to go around. Halicker is a world that abounds with steam power computers, flesh crafted guns, plant crafted swords, the list goes on and on, in the end the only real limit to what you can build is your own imagination.
if you want it, you can build it
that is a promise I make to you now. All it takes is the right combinations of items and components and your characters can have everything from planes to motorcycles, machine guns to magic saxophones. We haven't even gotten to the magic yet...
this week, I will profile the Aquians
I am Chester Yazwinski
I am the creator and lead designer of what will be the Halicker series of pen and paper role playing games. I have been working on this game for many years and I am very glad to say that soon we will be able to offer it to you the lovely people of the world. I have been helped along the way by many great people, most of whom you will hear about as we go dear friends, but for now I can say this: Halicker will be unlike anything you have played before, 10+ races with unique stories, abilities and powers, 10+ different technology systems that allow for near endless creativity in weapon and equipment designs based completely on the whims and wants of the characters, a free form magic system, and much much more.
I am Chester Yazwinski
and I want to share my world with all of you.
I am the creator and lead designer of what will be the Halicker series of pen and paper role playing games. I have been working on this game for many years and I am very glad to say that soon we will be able to offer it to you the lovely people of the world. I have been helped along the way by many great people, most of whom you will hear about as we go dear friends, but for now I can say this: Halicker will be unlike anything you have played before, 10+ races with unique stories, abilities and powers, 10+ different technology systems that allow for near endless creativity in weapon and equipment designs based completely on the whims and wants of the characters, a free form magic system, and much much more.
I am Chester Yazwinski
and I want to share my world with all of you.
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