Every picture posted with the exceptions of angels and demons are depictions of what could be playable characters and available devices and apparati. Any machine is possible in this game, all it takes is the right combinations of materials and technologies. If you want it you can build it.you can be this guy here. He is just a human, all be it a rather large one. his armor is something called a Gamma suit, which is as you can see a big motorized suit of armor with weapon systems. The illustrator is currently working on a better picture of him, which I will post when he is done. This guy is actually not very high level, his armor is expensive but nothing is rather hard to find, and nothing is made of any of the wonderful technologies available. For all intents and purposes, this guy is boring, think about it. This is a good example of what is called a industrial character type, also called an INDO, Halicker has no real classes so to say you just build the way you want, but that being said if you want a massive arm mounted cannon you are going to need some gear to balance it out and compensate for its kick. This is easier to do for guys like this one in a ton of metal than say someone who is wearing just dress clothes and a hat. someone with a knife dispenser in his coat, someone who maybe looks a bit like a dog/human hybrid...

...someone like this guy for example. Say hello to Boswell White. Bos is an animalia, which just what it looks like, a human with some animal features. Animalia can be any combination of human and animal but this does not give any distinct bonuses or upgrades at the start, you can always buy body mods by using Hubris upgrades which will be covered later. Animalia are just another option to take to personalize your character, have fun.

Bos here is another kind of character than our armored guy above, Bos is a cutter or a character that instead of building bigger and bigger builds smaller and lighter, someone who prefers speed and agility to strength and power. He uses his fists for the most part but has a pretty neat blade dispenser up his jacket. You will see a early version of this system under Bos's arms in the picture, this was scrapped for the following for these system here to the right, all of which mount under his arm like a pistole holster used by the police. We eventually went with the top device for Bos, because you could see the clip of unused blades clipped together like the one for an exacto knife in the dispenser. This also shows the variation you can have in just one device and sticking to just one type of technology and power sources, Bos's is mechanical for those who are curious.If you want it you can build it.I promise.and here is a link to our artist:
here. He is good, hire him and give him a lot of money. For more character artwork, take a look at Nav's blog, his character: Brom, has a description and sketch posted there.
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