Stat effects: Aquian's come with a natural +5 speed bonus, the abilities to breath water, and are immune to gas based attacks. Political ties: Aquians are allied with the Humans and Sylvan. They are still friendly with all other races of the Republic of Men (ROM) though they tend to distrust Hubris and Gemegog. Main rival: Reds
Aquian crystal: A crystalline material which is mined from deep undersea vents, it can come in any color and can be carved into most shapes, though traditionally Aquian apparati keep a more “raw” crystalline shape in order to act as a reminder of where the material came from, and thus, of home.
Material bonus:
Material acts a capacitor, strengthening one apparatus effect, which translates to a 5 to 15 bonus to flexability. Aquian crystal may also absorb any energy-based attack cast at the owner (1-20 chance) this absor bed attack can then be used to re-charge one of the owner’s daily casts.
Aquian crystal is excellent at keeping very high levels of energy, though it can be unstable when hit directly. In the event of an epic fail the material will discharge its stored energy harmlessly into the air, but
this renders the material useless for 1d4 rounds.
Next Week: Angels
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