Saturday, August 9, 2008


From what you have seen so far Halicker has many races to choose from, but this is just the start of your choices. Your machinery comes next which again allows you for any number of combinations, but truly the most free form part of Halicker is the magic. Unlike other system Halicker allows for complete free form creation of how your characters individual magical properties will work. It should be noted though that while a character is only allowed one kind of spell effects at the start, an apparatus can be enchanted with any different number of spell effects, but all of these effects must be bought or found individually and placed the apparatus, only a character can develop magic without buying upgrades, machines cant learn after all.
What you do is decided on what you would like your characters magic to look like, fire, water, cheese, what ever it may be. From there decided on what you would like for spells, this is done by first deciding a spells effect, blast, break, freeze, anyone of the thousands of effects. After this your ST will decided initial damage of this spells and the effect of RP properties, burning, freezing, being covered in melted gouda and the like. Characters start the game with a number of "casts" which translates to spells, or feats, or any number of special abilities which are not achieved by your characters machinery by normal means, the amount of casts you start out with is usually 4 but characters who decided to rely more on magic than machinery can have several more to compensate, or they can have "free spells" which are just what they sound like, a spell which is weaker than regular but is free, it is all up to you ST and how much you can beg them to be generous.
Spells need also not only come from your character, you apparatus can be enchanted as well and your character can choose to use their daily casts to power what are called an "overdrive" on the apparatus. an Overdrive is a massive attack or the like done by your apparatus which pushes said apparatus abilities to the edge: nitros for vehicles, holding the trigger for long times on machine guns, cutting someone in half with a buzz sword and the like. some apparatus upgrades may require that a a cast be spent as well, such as under-slung grenade launchers for carbines, electrical stunners for grappling hooks, and so on.
To upgrade magic is another story. Spell effects such as blast or projectile can be learned from someone who already knows how to do said spell. Magic vender's will have basic spell effects as well as lower tiered spell components for sale, though these tend to be very expensive. More advanced magic effects can be learned from scholars though they will not do this for cheap if they do so at all, or can be researched by the character by spending time delving into the characters particular pathway, weather this means taking a drug induced sight journey to visit a characters dead elders, or by spending hours burning oils and watching dragons to unlock the mysteries of fire. The root to advancement you character will eventually take should be discussed by the ST with their players and can and should be an area of RP involvement between characters and ST, there is no wrong way to go about it and the ST should come up with a way which allows for the most enjoyment and creativity on the part of the players. Just don't be a tyrant.
For my games I translate spell effects and the like into body marks and tattoos if they are going to be used as a spell, and decorations and paint jobs if they are going to be used as an apparatus upgrade. For an example I had my character run into an enemy who used lightning magic, when he was killed the party received two "lightning stones" since no one used lightning magic in the game these stones could only be used as apparatus upgrades, one character combined these stones with a spoil of copper wire, a dagger, a spring and a free cast telekinesis to create a lightning grapple. Another character, Billi, placed one of the stones between the barrels of her gatling gun, by spending a cast she could then use the barrels of her gun to generate a charge which she could then fire through the stones out of the middle of her gun. These are examples of how you could do it, and there will be many to come in the future, but in the end it is up to you.

1 comment:

slightlymadhatter said...

I just have to say it...MAJIK!!!